Well, to start, I didn't take a vacation... I worked for Providence instead. I lead a team of young photographers as part of a city Summer Youth Employment program. Because of the recession the city expanded the summer programs to include the arts. Go Providence!
This is the City Photo Crew.
Over 8 weeks in July and August went all over the city shooting digital photos, videos and instant film.
Thank you to Yessenia, Jossmill, Amber, Markia, Kenny and Hayden. Thanks too to my assistants Hannah and Brett. Lots of work and Lots of fun.
Check out the work on our youtube channel. follow the link or tune in to 09photocrew.
For more info on the city program follow this linkage: press release
also, the Mayor's wrap up press conference. mayor speaks
and I have to give a shout out to my fellow project artists: the tapeart crew. They did some amazing things with their group check it out here. Look at Ocean Riser... incredible!